A specialized market data and insights platform for Growth Investments Impact

ImpactIntell delivers unrivaled data and insights in its specialized domains enabling corporates, investors and government agencies to drive strategic decision making.

    Trusted by industry leaders


    From ready to use specialized market reports and dashboards to customized historical, current and forecasted projections, ImpactIntell is designed to enable high impact decision making.

    One of the largest specialized global markets, the Halal markets represent a fast growing $2 trillion in food, pharma, cosmetics, clothing, tourism, media/recreation opportunity. ImpactIntell- Halal Markets solution delivers unrivaled data and insights on this market for corporates, investors and government agencies to drive strategic decision making.


    Corporate growth data & insights

    • Halal Market Expansion
    • Halal Customer Development
    • Halal Market Investments

    Investment data & insights

    • Halal Market Investment Hotspots
    • Halal Market Investment Activity & benchmarks
    • Halal Market Investment Target Company Profiles

    Government policy market data

    • Halal Market Economic Impact (job creation, FDI, GDP, Export, reduce import dependency
    • Halal Market Economic Growth Export & Domestic Market Opportunity

    Islamic Fintech is one of the fastest growing segment of the global Islamic ethical economy, with an estimated transaction volume of 138 billion in 2022-2023 and will reach USD 306 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 17.3%. ImpactIntell’s Islamic Fintech solution delivers unrivaled data and insights on this market for corporations, investors, and government agencies to drive strategic decision-making.


    Corporate growth data & insights

    • Islamic Fintech Development
    • Islamic Fintech Investment
    • Competitor Benchmark and Intelligence

    Investment data & insights

    • Islamic Fintech Investment Activity & Benchmarks
    • Islamic Fintech Investment Target Profiles (Product offering, customer profile, TAM, geo and sector attractiveness, top executive, traction, etc)

    Government policy market data

    • Islamic Fintech Growth & Domestic Market Opportunity
    • Islamic Fintech Social and Economic Impact
    • Islamic Fintech Development



    A DinarStandard Product

    Impactintell, is a Dinar Standard product. DinarStandard is a USA based, private, research & advisory firm with 12+ years of experience in select specialized markets of government innovation and global Halal markets. 
    Full product Launch July 2024

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